Wednesday, April 13, 2011


It's 12.21 a.m. and i guess i can't sleep,tak tahu lah kenape kan?

aku banyak buat dose ke?

ada kaitan tak?

actually,miss my time with GENERASI'z colleagues time kite lawan futsal ari tue.
nak MAEN FUTSAL lagi,and sedih untuk mengaku saya takde teammates.

tibe-tibe semangat untuk bersukan datang memuncak pulak,kenapa entah.
actually, i am not the type of person yang enjoy sports,but i suddenly fall in love dengan sports tak kesa lah ape pown kan,mne thu bole ganti Dato' Lee Chong Wei ke,Dato' Nicol David ke kan?

so,tujuan for this entry just nak bagitahu kat you all yang aku dah macam mat Gian nak bersukan niy,kenapa entah even FINAL is about 8 days to come kan?preparation?OMG,tak tahu nak kate lah,just wish me GOODLUCK because this semester's subject memang menguji ketahanan mental dan ketajaman akal untuk mengingat.

i have 4 papers and it starts on 21st April at 8.30 a.m. and ends up on 26th April and not to sure about the time because i still don't have my exam schedule tapi papepown i dah search kat web and my exam habis on 26th April,SANGAT BERDEBAR ye?

ok, guyz that's all lah,laen kali update lagi ok?thanks for reading.


  1. good luck sayang. takpayah berdebar sangat nanti terus blank dalam exam hall. rileks rileks okaay :)
